Discipleship Journeys with Jesus vision is to lead 100 million people globally to become true disciples of Jesus. Our founder and president, Mark Alan Williams started with a vision of half a million disciples until a pastor from India challenged him advising his vision is too small. Discipleship Journeys with Jesus needed a vision so large it would be impossible on human efforts alone and only possible if God was leading and deeply involved. This is where we came to our vision and mission of leading 100 million people to become true disciples of Jesus. Below are how and why we believe this will be accomplished:

There is good news and bad news about the work of Christ worldwide.
The good news: Multitudes are coming to Jesus.
The bad news: Many never become true disciples.
They make decisions, but they don’t become disciples.
But Jesus never said, “get decisions.” He said, “make disciples.”
Dallas Willard has written:
Churches are filled with “undiscipled disciples,” as Jess Moody has called them. Of course there is in reality no such thing. Most problems in contemporary churches can be explained by the fact that members have never decided to follow Christ. (The Great Omission, p. 5)
Dr. Marvin J. Newell, Senior Vice President of Missio Nexus, (a network of evangelical mission agencies, churches and training centers) writes about the impact of the lack of discipleship:
This results in spiritually apathetic adherents who quickly deteriorate into dysfunctional gatherings or nominal Christianity. They easily become victims of aberrant doctrine, heresy and deviant cults. Although they wear the label “Christian” many are not Christ-followers at all. They are superficial followers of “the way” in need of a genuine conversion experience. This sad state has become the bane of the Church the world over.
But the task CAN be accomplished, IF we have a plan and carry it out! Pastor Rick Warren writes:
Millions of Christians have grown older without ever growing up; they act as though spiritual growth is automatic. They may have a plan to save for retirement. They may have a plan for sending their kids to college. But they don’t have a strategy for enriching their souls. They leave the single most important facet of human existence to chance! Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen. You have to have a plan!
Discipleship Journeys with Jesus is a unique plan to meet the desperate need for discipleship:
It’s a one-year pathway to Christian maturity with 52 biblical journey lessons. (And more advanced lessons are coming!)
It’s free of charge.
Each lesson includes two videos recorded on location in the Bible Lands.
The journey lessons work for people of any culture or educational level.
We’re providing translations into multiple languages.
Because the need is so huge, we have a huge God-sized vision:
"Our vision is to take 100 million people on discipleship journeys with Jesus."
Would you like to join us in this vital task? If so, here are some options. You can: